Chubby Chirpers and Daily dramas….

I thought I’d start this post on a positive happy note and show you my chubby chirpers…..

chubby chirpers    chubby chirpers

I originally made these for the craftacular and they sold really well so I decided to make a few of ’em and because I got rather addicted to making them (and that they are my new favourite things)  I also made a mobile

chubby chirpers mobile

So now for the drama………the reason I had so much time to make chirpers is because on Thursday I got the phonecall no one married to anyone who cycles wants to get………..”lulu I’ve just been hit by a car……..but I think I’m fine……..oh I’ll call you back the ambulance is here”  click……    eh?  what?  where are you?    hello!!!! hello!!!!!    oh shit     he blogged about it here  so you can see his knackered bike and broken hand if you want.    So yeah drama isn’t my favourite thing in the world I just thank god he’s basically ok although he is seeing a specialist about his hand tommorrow………keep your fingers crossed his hand is ok cos’ he sure can’t.

5 Responses to “Chubby Chirpers and Daily dramas….”

  1. Naomi Says:

    i’m glad he’s pretty much ok!! that is sooo scary.

    i adore birdies.


  2. Lulu Says:

    thanks Naomi, it was pretty scary when it happened…..he saw the specialist today and he has a giant pink cast on his arm now, so now he’s just grumpy about it all.

  3. Naomi Says:

    nothing to be grumpy about if you get a pink cast! now if i just had a big ol pink cast for my pelvis… life would be good.

  4. Lulu Says:

    oh he didn’t “get” the pink cast…..he requested it. I think the hospital people thought he was odd already then when he said it was to match his t-shirts they all raised their eyebrows……what can I say Markie’s a bit of a girlie man as Arnie would say ; )

  5. emily Says:

    girlie man!!!! ha ha ha ha ha ha!

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