Cos ya gotta have friends……..

Well not me,  but Garfield has a fair few now…….let’s see I’ve made Garfield, Odie, Arlene, Pooky that’s everyone in Garfield and friends right?    wrong!!!!! look who we are forgetting……

It’s Jon Arbuckle,  Garfield’s walking can opener and Nermal the world’s cutest kitten.   I won’t lie to you Jon was very tricksy to tackle,  mostly because I had to invent his mouth area as he only has a line for a mouth in cartoon form which didn’t convey well in wool

See what I mean?    So I just had to think -  what would that look like in a 3d mouth?  and I came up with the top lip being more pronounced…….I think it looks quite effective and still looks like Jon.

Nermal was a lot of fun to make as he really looks a lot like Garfield but in gray indsted of ginger

So these guys are a custom order and will be shipping out to join Garfield soon…………..

And that’s pretty much how I’ve spent my week,  how was yours?

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