Éirinn go brách

Happy St. Patrick’s day everyone………anyone have fun plans for the holiday?  Green beer in your future?  All the parades and green river  happened in Chicago last weekend and I of course realised this to late to go,  which is probably just as well as I can only imagine what traffic must be like to get anywhere close to Chicago for the holiday.

So this week was lots of fun with cats and vets (insert sarcastic roll eyes here).  I just had to share this image with you though

My brave boys………..honestly these two are hilarious when they are in the vet’s office……..Floyd’s self defense mechanism is to pretty much play dead,  and Lewis’s is to stay as close to Floyd as possible…….dummies.   Oh and in case you were wondering about Floyd’s mould he has cat acne,  yup you heard right acne……..who the heck knew cat’s got acne………pretty gross but not life threatning, phew.

So I’m off to wear something green and make hairclips……..

slainte mhath

2 Responses to “Éirinn go brách”

  1. emily Says:

    Hope Floyd’s zits are better now. Lewis is the most beautiful cat I have ever seen!

  2. Lulu Says:

    Yeah Floyd’s cleared up a lot……..but he’s like a spotty teen so I am sure it will be back.
    Lewis is a very pretty boy, but unfortunately he’s very aware of this fact and that’s never an attractive feature in anyone ……..

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