Last week if one more person……

had asked me if it’s hot enough for me I swear I was going to scream!!!! I don’t think there was one day when the thermometer didn’t hit a hundred and when you don’t have air conditioning I can’t even begin to tell you how that feels……well mostly sticky.

I was doing anything to try and think cool thoughts,  which is how this little guy came about….

polar bear


I think he has helped the temperature as since he has arrived there has definately been a break in the weather (thank god).

In unrelated stabby news I am loving the new  mythical creature stamps by the royal mail,  in particular the cornish pixie one… it  is just brilliant….


It makes me want to receive lots of letters from the UK……hmmmm perhaps I should get a penfriend.  I am also extremely excited about the new Tim Burton movie Alice in Wonderland (are you surprised)  there have been some pictures online of Johnny depp and Helena Bonham Carter as the Mad Hatter and the Red Queen respectively and I get quite giddy at the thought of how brilliant it’s going to be…….I’ve even started reading Alice in Wonderland to get myself more in touch with Wonderland…I was lucky enough to snag a vintage book on ebay and I adore looking at it as much as reading it as it has the original Tenniel drawings,  even the cover’ s absolutely brilliant….which just proves that you can judge some books by their cover

alice in wonderland

and the pages make reading a pleasure

alice in wonderland1

I love the mousey page….

6 Responses to “Last week if one more person……”

  1. urban craft Says:

    Totally cute, perfect for summer!

  2. Lulu Says:

    Thanks Urban ; )

  3. emily Says:

    What a cutie!

    I think that Pixie might get there faster if he walked, snails are pretty slow….

  4. Lulu Says:

    aaaah come on Emily………seriously? Pixies are unbelievably slow!!!!! didn’t you know? some of them are only just arriving now for the millennium celebrations, teeeny tiny feet and no wings is a serious bummer for pixies

  5. Took Gallagher Says:

    Hey — I have been meaning to drop you a note for a l-o-n-g time. I host 2 Art-o-mat machines in Michigan and I wanted to let you know that you are a steady favorite here.

    I love your creatures, too!

    I would love to get some of your goldfish and more cats and monkeys and lions if you ever do more of those…could you possibly set some aside in your next batch that you send to AIC and make a note to Carol so some come to MI? That would be so good.

    ANYway…just saying “Hi” finally. I will add you to my list of links of arto-artists on my blog!

  6. Lulu Says:

    You got it Took…….although it may be a month or so

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