Could spring possibly be here?

yaaaaaaay, I sure hope so. Although so far I’ve thought that twice already this year only to have my hopes dashed by snowstorms and rain.

But today was glorious so I went for a very long walkie joggy thing and took my camera. Why the camera? well I wanted to take pics of boring stuff for Even if they don’t like my pics I had such fun taking pics of inane, boring stuff. People in the park were looking at me like I had gone round the loop, as I took pics of the underside of a picnic bench and the electricity pylon shot was raising lots of eyebrows.

But I don’t care, after 7 months of cold miserable weather I am so happy to see the sun I do feel a little loopy.

And the good news is I am finally going to get a haircut……..thank god as I am starting to look like Bella my crazy cat lady.

I am going to donate my hair to locks of love though it’s long enough to do some good.

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