Incy Wincy………..


incy wincy spider incy wincy spider

So I’m lovin’ my little incy wincys……I attached them to a long elasticated nylon cord so they can bounce around,  plus it looks a little like web.  I think they are going to be the last of my Halloweeny offerings before The St Cornelius Fall Fest which is GULP  this weekend……………..waaaaaaaaaaaaa!!!!!  So much still to do and organise……….yikes.

So I will add them to the shop as they are really fun to make and I wouldn’t mind making them any time of the year anyway,  I guess spiders aren’t really just for Halloween anyway.

One Response to “Incy Wincy………..”

  1. emily Says:

    fun! i like the mischievous grins they have.

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