Sssssh!!! Be very quiet……

We are hunting houses!!!  And it’s kinda tricky as they are most elusive little buggers.  We have been spending every weekend since January looking and keep your fingers crossed for us as we think we may have snagged the perfect one……….sigh we will see.


Although a lot of my days have been spent on remax and in strangers homes (which is oddly quite fun and a tad voyeuristic) I have still been working on critters.

I recently had a brilliant request for pocket critters.  Spring is currently working on a nursery in her home and wanted to match the critters on this extremely cute fabric


and here’s what I came up with

I absolutely loved how these guys turned out,  especially the fox so expect so see them as new critterboxes sometime soon.  I really hope they look cute in Spring’s nursery and add a fuzzy,  crittery touch.



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