Archive for June, 2008

Viva Craftacular

Monday, June 30th, 2008

Phew….I’m still exhausted from the whirlwind that was this weekend………….The Craftacular (as always) ran incredibly smooth and literally hundreds of people came,  thank you so much to everyone who stopped by and said hello to me and the critters.

I thought I’d share a piccie of how I set up my booth


It was pretty cool to be so close to the Miss Pacman machine I had to fight the urge to plug it in all day……and it made me wish I had made another pacman mobile.

I also took a piccie of the main floor


All the vendors were fantastic and there was a ton of goodies I wanted to purchase,  but with our car woes I just collected a ton of cards to add to my growing etsy favourites list.

We were lucky enough to stay  with our Madison friend Rose for the night which meant we got to enjoy rhythms and booms,  the giant free firework show set to music over the water…….it seems to last forever and we snagged a great spot to watch it on a private jetty right by the water…..very fun night.

And so now I have a few very cool commissions that I had better get cracking on…….I’ll share with you as always when I’m done.


Thursday, June 26th, 2008

Just thought I’d take a second out of my ” gaaaaaaaah Craftacular this weekend” panic and share Buttercup with you……

Buttercup bear   Buttercup bear

She’s a really shy girl so photographing her was a little tricky.  I of course will add her to the shop

In other news I still don’t have Sally back (my mini cooper) waaaaaaa I miss Sally!!!!  and I’m trying to pack up the critters for the Craftacular this weekend…….not an easy job as they hate being cooped up.  Speaking of the craftacular remember that the first 50 people through the door get a goody bag with awesome freebies in it……..including a little something from yours trully so come on by to the high noon in Madison WI this Saturday

craftacular poster

Crappy weekend…..

Sunday, June 22nd, 2008

Saturday we had to go to Naperville to get the tire on our mini Sally replaced……….run flat tires are a serious pain in the ass by the way,  no one ever has them in stock and joy of joys even though I called and got the appointment to replace the tire a whole 5 days in advance the genious dealership forgot to order them as well.  But besides that brilliant start they also discovered that because of the awful state of the roads in Illinois my poor beloved Sally had broken struts and would cost $1,100.00 to repar……..sigh,  welcome back credit card debt you never seem to go away for very long.

So off we headed into Chicago in our fancy new loaner mini where the day was salvaged by the purchase of some new awesome and on sale Oakley frames……hmmmm which reminds me I need to find an optician who can put lenses in them


I love them and it will be  nice  to have a change of glasses…….and then we saw the Detroit Cobras at the double door,  they are one of those bands that are always brilliant live and you are practically gauranteed a good time at the show.

Friday I got this guy finished

Mr Orange   Mr Orange

I figuered with the abundance of mice I’ve been making of late I had better employ someone to keep them in check.  His name is Mr Orange and he lives to slash and cut.

I love……

Wednesday, June 18th, 2008

challenges………well let me clarify that sentence I love needle felting challenges (life challenges I’m not that keen on). I finally got finished with the latest two and here they are

arlene and Pooky   Arlene

It’s Arlene and Pooky……for those who don’t know who they are, Arlene is the one and only fat cat Garfield’s love interest and Pooky is his teddy bear. I loved making Garfield and Odie

garfield and Odie

and was very sad to see them go…….but very glad that they went to someone who loves Garfield as much as I do. And soon they will have company…….I’m sure Garfield will be happy to see them.

So other than working on those guys I’ve been trying to get organised for the Craftacular next weekend………eeeeek where on earth does the time go? It was ages away and now it’s almost here…….craftacular poster

If you are in the Madison area I highly recommend you stop by early as there is a goody bag for the first 50 people who come in……..

Poor Edgar

Thursday, June 12th, 2008

He’s been here for over a week but he hasn’t stopped tutting and sweeping since he got here for me to take his piccie……..but finally I got him trapped in a corner and clicked a few shots.

Edgar    Edgar

cute lil’ feller ain’t he?  I will list him in the shop of course
Currently I’m working on a few commissions that I can’t wait to share with you……….but for now I’m back to the stabby.

Gardner’s corner

Monday, June 9th, 2008

Well this weekend we were baraged by some of the worst thunderstorms I think I’ve ever seen……we even had a tornado warning or two.   This generally means no weekend excursion,  I mean who the heck wants to go out and look like a drowned rat?  much better to stay home watch old movies and try and do a little of the home projects you’ve put of for ages.

During a break in the torrential downpours I made it to the local gardening store…….so my balcony looks like this now


I got 2 different types of tomato plants (yum) the planters along the top of the piccie have sweet peppers and banana peppers in them……can’t wait for them to grow.  And the lage terracotta plant has a papyrus plant…..I’m always drawn to weird wild flowers and grasses so this was a garden center must have for me.  I also got something called a candy corn plant which I have never seen before it’s so cool and it’s very obvious how it got it’s name,   just check out the bloomscandy corn plant

How cool is that?  I hope it can survive our crazy erratic weather……..less than 10 mins of taking these piccies the sky turned  black  and the heavens opened again.  Oh well at least I got in some crafting for the craftacular,  I can’t believe I only have two weekends of crafting left before the big day……ooooops better get busy!!!!


Thursday, June 5th, 2008

A new big critter finished…….yaaaaaay.  He was a ton of fun to make,  probably because I was itchin’ to make a big guy again.  Something about doing the ickle stuff for a while makes me go a little doolally……I mean I like how the little stuff turns out don’t get me wrong but it’s nice to make my critters,  reminds me of why I’m so addicted to needle felting in the first place.

Anyway meet Marty,  he’s  a dorm mouse

Marty the dorm mouse    Marty the dorm mouse

……..that’s right a dorm mouse.   Marty attends Madison University and is currently working on his degree in dairyland farming and production.  He’s determined to put an end to hard cheese and the problem of mould.   Marty despises the fact that most traps seemed to be filled with more mould than cheese……I mean really if you wouldn’t why on earth would he?   Anyway Marty is a very good student and he mixes well with the other collegiates they love his friendly daily greeting of   ” Yo,   got any cheese?”

I’ll add Marty to the shop as soon as I can take some better piccies of him……pesky camera and bad weather don’t go hand in hand

More felty goodies

Wednesday, June 4th, 2008

I guess these are a bit of an experiment,  but I thought I would share ’em with you anyway……

star earings   star earings

hard boiled sweet earings

I made them at the suggestion of the crafting genius Ekra…… first I was a little unsure but I have to admit they turned out kinda cool,  thanks Ekra I guess I should know better than to ever doubt ‘ya.

I have to admit though I have gotten a little bored making the little stuff,  so I’m working on a critter as we speak (yaaaaaay it’s about time huh?)  although my hubby is harrassing me to make a mini Donkey Kong or a toad to add to my Mario and Yoshi……..waaaaaaa  don’t wanna………well maybe…….we’ll see.

Weekend fun

Sunday, June 1st, 2008

I know I’ve said it a million times and I’m sure you are all bored with me saying  it but I don’t care I’m saying it again………I love Madison!!!!!! This weekend was fabulous weather so we headed out early to catch the farmers market around the capitol…..It was my intention to have one of those blog posts showing the beautiful farm fresh produce and gorgeous plants and flowers but unfortunatly we bought a yummy loaf of cheese bread and I spent the time wandering around stuffing my face instead of taking piccies.

I did stop by Ekra’s and orangyporangy booths they were having a great time trying to ensure their booths didn’t blow away (it was a little windy) and I picked up my much coveted vase from Ekra

ekra vase

I love it, it’s so cool she used a beer bottle for the brown tiles and a light fixture for the accent tiles……anyway after wandering around the market for a while and buying some catnip plants for the boys we headed on over to the terrace.

the terrace

I love the terrace in summer it’s always packed with students and it’s a great place to sit out and enjoy a few beers……..I have turned a beautiful shade of bright pink thanks to my love of the terrace.

And other than having a fabulous weekend the only thing I created is more critter clips but this time hedgehogs

Critter clips

These lil hedgies might be my new faves in the critter clip line and of course I will add them to the shop.