Archive for February, 2008

New goodies for me and you

Monday, February 25th, 2008

Too long ago to remember………(I am a little embarassed to recall how long exactly)  I got a request to make a new felting kit.   The lovely lady requested  a penguin kit and who was I to say no?  I mean I think the kits are great and I love thinking that I am in some way responsible for spreading the needle felting love.  Anyway thankfully she was very patient with me (thanks Kim)  and I finally completed the project on Friday……… it is

critter kit

So I hope Kim has fun making her little penguin……..and I hope to get more kits made and up in the store ASAP.

Ok,  and now the goodies for me……..I am so excited with my latest purchase from Etsy seller MissBeahavin I just had to share it with you.

It’s the little Papier Mache chick pictured with my little peeper to give you an idea of how precious he is.  I just love MissBea’s work and he is the 2nd of her pieces that I am thrilled to own,  and I am sure there will be more to come as she is so talented.

And in completely unrelated news spare a though to my poor little guy Lewis

Himalayan seal point

He’s at the vet today saying goodbye to his “boys”  awwwwww  I always feel guilty about taking the kitties to get this procedure……but I realise it’s the sensible thing to do……..


More Felty Food

Wednesday, February 20th, 2008

Maybe it’s because of my diet or maybe it’s just because I am food obsessed…….probably the latter. But I have really gotten into making  felted  pastries. Don’t worry I haven’t gotten so food deprived that I am risking hairballs, they are going to be heading to a new store opening in Madison (along with some critters of course) and I can’t wait to see them there.

Here are some of the cakey goodies

cakes   cakes

MMMmmmmm cakes, s’not fair…………I wanna cake………Dammit!!!! Curse my huge bottom and wibbly thighs.

Damn I wish it was spring already

Wednesday, February 13th, 2008

About a week ago I got Jen of Hanks in the Hood to custom dye me some wool in wacky bright pinks and purples. I was thinking of making the Cheshire cat………but when the wool arrived I instantly thought peeps. You know what peeps are right? The bright marshmallowy chicks natorious at Easter time, anyway my Easter chickies turned out like thispeeps  peeps

I love holding the little fellers, it makes me feel like Mary Poppins in the scene where she is singing A spoon full of sugar and the birdie whistles along with her………..anyway I wanna make a few more of these little guys, just cos’ I like ’em.

I also made some candies……….although these might cause a hairball so don’t eat them!!! These are for a little something I’ll let you know about later……..aren’t I a tease?

candies candies

Craftacular was brilliant

Sunday, February 10th, 2008

I do really love the Craftaculars…….mostly because the other vendors and organisers are brilliant. Special thanks to Glitterworkshop and Ekra for again putting on a fantasticaly organised show.

The weather got pretty ropey in the afternoon, when I looked out the window at one point I was sure we were in a giant snow globe and someone had just given us a really good shake, but thankfully it didn’t deter the wonderful folk of Madison from turning up and supporting independant crafters. Anyway I thought I’d share a piccie of my booth


So upon seeing the piccies……..the diet has started (again) waaaaaaa . I got some fantastic cards and pins from Space Oddities and I loved that I was lucky enough to be beside Kitty Girrlz yarns‘ booth again she really is fantastic on her spinning wheel and she had some fantastic valentine yarn with kitty beads through  it which must look fantastic knitted up……..damn my lack of knitting abilities.

After the show and on the recommendations of a lovely customer we headed on over to Brasserie V for a few Belgian beers……yum, I highly reccommend you check it out if you are a fan of decent beer and the food was fantastic too.

So it was a great day, thanks to everyone

Craftacular Time

Friday, February 8th, 2008


Remember tommorrow is the Valentine Craftacular at the High Noon in Madison WI where me and the critters (and 20 other brilliant crafters) will be from 10 am until 4.00pm so if you are in the area please pop on over and say hi.

So today is the crazy hectic job of packing all the critters up (something they are not that keen on) and not forgetting any show essentials like extension cords and tape, and trying to keep everything in a reasonably easy to find order……..not my strongest point.

I am really excited though……I loved the Christmas craftacular it was a ton of fun. I am really hoping to try and get organised enough to take part in more shows this year, guess I should start researching that now……..and being more productive in the critter makin’