Archive for August, 2009

Esther of the East

Sunday, August 30th, 2009

esther of the East

esther of the East

Little Esther the glamor puss of the East.  Do you like her shoes?  Esther loves them,  she was lucky enough to pick them up for a song from a house clearing event she attended…….The only bad thing is that now Esther walks everywhere her broom gets very little use at all,  maybe she’ll swap it for a handbag to match.

I will add Esther to the shop if you want to check her out some more.

Gotta make the donuts…….

Tuesday, August 25th, 2009

Except I don’t anymore as I made the donuts yaaaaaaaaaaaay



It’s funny for me making the dunkers as I start to really, really hate sewing repetitively,   but  nothing makes me smile like seeing a big stack of donut faces looking up at me in awe.

This little batch is a little different from previous batches as I found some great czech glass beads and teeny tiny button stars and hearts that work great as sprinkles,  and sewing them on at least makes the donut makin’ business a little more interesting.  Right back to the sewing…………..sigh,  gotta make the donuts.


Wednesday, August 19th, 2009

Oh how I love that word………not that I would like to say it 3 times fast though,  but I love to give the critters little human touches.  And how about these girls?

knitting sheep

knitting sheep

It’s Ewenice, Baaaaahrbra and Maaaaaaahry can you just imagine the wooly conversations at the knitting group?  I like to think that they are hiding out from the rather annoying bo peep who apparently can’t even cast on.

I made these guys for unique yarns. You know the trouble with selling at a seriously gorgeous yarn store is I find myself looking at all the yarn rather enviously,  but having no real knitting abilitity all I can do is admire the fabulous colours and textures……….well not anymore!!!  I’m trying to find little ways to incorporate knitting and the critters,  the sheep seemed rather obvious and I’ve just finished 20 little scarves that will be keeping some little characters snuggly warm this winter.   I have a few more guys in mind but I’m going to keep you guys in the dark for now.   Right it’s back to work.

New Schtuff….

Thursday, August 13th, 2009

Oh how I love schtuff………

ikea couch

yup my new couch arrived from Ikea and I love it!!!!  I had to get the kidrobot/Heidi Kenney donut pillows to go on it,  aren’t they just fantastic?  It breaks my heart when my hubby actually gasp,  shock,  horror………uses them.   I tell ya one of these days straight to the moon………

Other new schtuff is I got the most brilliant request for a piranha plant flower.  Nikki wanted to get a flower for her boyfriend’s VW bug flower holder……..and how perfect is that as an idea?  I swear it makes me want to trade in my beloved mini for a bug……anyway I hope she likes it.  I have the thought of a Mario hanging from the rear view mirror and the plant waiting to gobble him up below.


piranha plantOccasionally (as you guys well know) I really want the schtuff I’ve made,  and the little piranha flower has just been added to my list of my stabby must haves…….although I really want a whole vase of them……..sweeeeeeeeeeet