November 11th, 2014
I’d like to introduce you to my new bosses….
Amelia Schofield born Sept 12th 2014 at 2.18 weighing 5lbs 9.8oz
Rory Schofield born Sept 12th 2014 at 2.19 weighing 5lbs 4.6oz
They arrived a little earlier than expected but at 36weeks along both were in good health and only had to spend a short time at the nicu (thank gooodness).
I’m completely smitten with the pair of them and am mesmerized just looking at them……
Not to mention the fun we are having dressing them up and taking pictures of them
So I am still working on critters, Â just a lot slower than in the past. Another big change is I am only doing one show this year, it’s the Bust Holiday show in Boston so it should be a great one. Â Any free moment I have is crafting in anticipation for it.

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April 9th, 2014

I told you I’ve been busy with other projects. Â These ones wont be ready to show you till October though, just thought I’d give you a sneak peak. Â We are super excited to be having twins even if the though of double trouble is a little overwhelming.
So right now all my other stabby project are based around them. Â I’ve finished one mobile and considering ideas for a second one. Â And working on converting my craft room into the new guest bedroom as the current guest bedroom will be be the nursery (eeeek how exciting).
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March 29th, 2014
My gosh it’s been a long winter here in Massachusetts. Â I started to dream of green lawns and spring flowers and feared they would stay in my dreams forever. Â But finally the snow has melted and the nights are getting longer and yaaaaaay Spring is on the way.
I Â (as always) Â have been busy. Â First off we gave this guy a home…

We got him from the Worcester Animal Rescue League and they were super nice and helpful through the process.  I highly recommend them if you are looking for your new baby.  We called him Murray  (after the Scottish tennis player Andy Murray)  and he is completely bonkers and lovely.  He seems  to be fitting in well with Floyd and Lewis too

I also got a brilliant commission for a giraffe, Â and I loved how he turned out
He was super fun to make and I may just have to make one for myself. Â I have also been productive with a few other projects which I hope to share with you soon.
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January 8th, 2014
Happy New Year everyone! Â Christmas and New Year were as always packed with too many good times, Â beer and great food. Â But sadly it was our last holiday spent with our big, beautiful baby Kirzstie
On January 6th he finally succumbed to hyperthyroidism and old age.  I held his paws, thanked him for being our cat and  told him we loved him.
We were fortunate enough to have had him in our lives for 9 years (he was approx 9 when we got him) and lucky to have had 10 Christmasses  and New Year’s celebrations that included the big man.  My heart is broken at his passing and he will be missed forever.
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October 21st, 2013
So you may have noticed by the slightly shorter days, chillier nights and, oh yeah, all the leaves on the ground that fall is here. Â And so begins the start of critter craft shows.
Last Saturday was my first show of the year.  It was in the rather gorgeous location of Sudbury, right outside in the center of town by the church (very New England).  I was excited to set up as I have changed up my booth display from my previous circus theme to more of a farm stand look…..what do you think?
I figured it was time for a change and the farm stand idea came into being from enjoying all the local farm stands over the summer. Â I hope you can see some of my new critters in that piccie too…… know the new critters I promised to share with you last post (whoops) and on his first outing Morris found a new mama

Laura was lovely and I am super thrilled that Morris was going to live in such a fun new home…….the other cool info about Laura is that she is crafty/arty too  so Morris should make the transition into his new home easily……..yaaaaaaay.
And I just though I’d show you some new critters that showed up just in time for Halloween………..the Jack O’Pumkins they are listed in the shop but are very limited in supply and anyone who has pumpkins on display knows that their shelf life is not that long so snag ’em while you can.
Speaking of Halloween I decorated the house

I got the pumpkin buckets from Target and used them as planters………I love ’em!!! Â it will be sad to take them away the boys aren’t so sure though
 I think it’s more proof for them that mama is crazy.  Happy Halloween…….I hope you decorated.
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May 30th, 2013
Finally It’s here…. Â and no I don’t mean a blog post. Â I’m talking about Summer!!! Â Phew thank goodness I thought I was going to be hibernating forever.
So I haven’t blogged in a while and I’ve been up to so much, Â like what? you ask. Â Well we had a trip to New Orleans which was so fabulous that I didn’t want to leave, Â which was kinda odd as New Orleans wasn’t really on my radar of places I wanted to go.
I can’t even begin to pick out pictures from the trip but these 3 are probably my favourite……I think they capture the spontaneous, happy nature of New Orleans. Â It seemed like every corner you turned you were met with some ocular, visual or taste sensation and unlike anywhere else I’ve been (so far) in the USA it really seemed to have had no influence from Britain or Germany in it’s aesthetic…..but that of course is just my take.
I’ve also been enjoying Spring, Â and everything that entails………I like gardening!!! Who knew? Â certainly not me……..but I’m loving planning and planting and yes even weeding I guess having helpers helps a lot
Actually these guys are pesky garden helpers, Â not useful at all unlike my resident best helper ever

He’s awesome,  and apparently lives in my hosta.  Which is brilliant , as one day I had noticed that I had seemed to have encouraged quite a number of slugs with all my planting,  and whilst I was googling slug repellants  my little buddy above was taking care of the little buggers…….what a hero……although as a Scottish person new to gardening it’s weird to think there is snakes in my garden.
So in amidst of all this activity I have been critter creating………….I’ll share soon ; )
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February 20th, 2013
Hello from Snowy Boston.

And of course that’s my mailbox that the wind had opened and stuffed with snow……..grrrrrrr that was lucky or not.
All this snow has me yearning for spring and all things summery and green. Â I am dreaming of trips to Plum Island and walking on the beach which is why I have made beachy critters
I already added them to the shop ,  I just wish I could take them to the beach for a photo shop, but I am so not hardy enough for the chilly  bracing winds that would be awaiting us.
We are preparing for this weekends impending snowstorm………(waaaaaaaaa NO!!!!!) Â So I’m off to stack some logs for the fire, Â which if I’m honest is one of the things that makes me happy about snow weather warnings…….yaaaaaaay for roaring fires. Â And I am currently applying for shows and new critter creating I’ll keep you posted on how that turns out.
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January 2nd, 2013
Personally 2012 was a fabulous Year for us (which I am incredibly grateful for). Â We bought our fabulous first home and spent many glorious summer days enjoying the deck

We learned that having a house that backs onto the woods makes us something of  a critter hangout……
I would like to take this opportunity to apologize to the poor squirrels who I muttered at and bad mouthed around town for emptying my bird feeders instantly……….turns out they were innocent and it’s more to do with these guys

I know the picture isn’t the best but I hope you can see that the real seed thief is the white tailed deer…….we have at least 4 that regularly come and hang out in our yard (love them)
I also learned that as much as I love a roaring fire (I mean how could you not?  a real fireplace was pretty high on my list of house requirements when we were looking.)

It sure does take a lot more work than I thought starting from when the cord of wood arrives

I guess my problem is I really am a city girl, Â I had absolutely no concept of how much wood a cord is…..thank goodness we have the world’s best neighbours as they gave me a log holder and a log bag that made stacking all that wood a lot easier.
I also vended at the most fun Christmas Craft fairs and met so many super nice vendors and shoppers and Spencer  got a new Mom in Hingham

He looked so happy to have found his forever home, Â which makes me happy to know he will be so loved.

This Christmas we did all our Christmas gift shopping from Crafters, artists and independent stores and I Â absolutely love my pressies this year……Mark did a great job. Â Some of my fave goodies are my vintage santa and reindeer table topper, my vintage apothecary jars and my Heidi Kenney Christmas ornaments……I especially love the candlestick. Â I also got a cast iron circus elephant door stop that I forgot to take a picture of… and he is quite simply one of my favourite things ever. My parents sent me some pretty unique pussy cat frames from Spain that I have on my kitchen window.
So here’s to 2013 I hope it’s as brilliant as 2013 and brings us all lots of good things…..and more regular blog posts from me ; )
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November 15th, 2012
Yep it’s that time of year again (gosh that went fast)  and  I’ve finally  got my list of shows for the year
first up it’s the 3rd Annual Hingham Holiday Market

It’s my second time vending at this show and I am super excited as I got so many Christmas goodies, the artists are fab and the organizers are phenomenal.  It’s  in Hingham Nov 24th and 25th and I hope to see you there.
December 1st – 3rd is the German Christmas Market in Clinton, Mass

December 7th – 9th The Festival of trees at the Royal Plaza Trade Center in Marlborough

And there you have it for the Christmas shows……. apologies to everyone in Cleveland as I wont be vending at Bazaar Bizarre this year. Â This summer has just been to involved on the house and we just are not able to make the trip this time around…..
I have been working on new Christmas goodies for the shows and I will get them photographed and in the shop real soon for everyone unable to make the shows.
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September 14th, 2012
So as you probably guessed…….we got the house………eeeeeek!!!! Â So summer has been spent mostly painting, cleaning, Â organizing and generally prettying up the new love of my life……

The picture of Markie removing the sign from the lawn is one of my favorite pictures of him…….we had just come back from signing for the house and it was super exciting to remove that sign and go inside our new home.
So our new home is fab and it so nice to have my own crafting room (oh yes……wait till you see)  but I have been a bit of a critter neglector this summer (apologies to my stores) but I have currently stepped up production and even have my first show of the year this Saturday.  It’s at the  St Stephen’s Lutheran Church……Enjoy a beautiful September day and get a head start on holiday shopping at the St. Stephen’s Lutheran Church Craft Show, which will take place on September 15th, 2012 from 10 am to 4pm.  Shoppers can find lots of unique crafts, including hand sewn and knitted items, baked goods and jewelry.  I’m super excited for the show as I get to hang out with the awesome Sandy of Happy Hounds Honey and then end the day at Texas BBQ………….mmmmmmmm Barbecue heaven.
Hope you have had a fantastic summer, Â and if you are in the area I’d love to see you on Saturday at the fair.
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