Archive for October, 2013

And so it begins……..

Monday, October 21st, 2013

So you may have noticed by the slightly shorter days, chillier nights and, oh yeah, all the leaves on the ground that fall is here.  And so begins the start of critter craft shows.

Last Saturday was my first show of the year.  It was in the rather gorgeous location of Sudbury, right outside in the center of town by the church (very New England).  I was excited to set up as I have changed up my booth display from my previous circus theme to more of a farm stand look…..what do you think?


booth set up                                             booth


I figured it was time for a change and the farm stand idea came into being from enjoying all the local farm stands over the summer.  I hope you can see some of my new critters in that piccie too…… know the new critters I promised to share with you last post (whoops) and on his first outing Morris found a new mama


Laura was lovely and I am super thrilled that Morris was going to live in such a fun new home…….the other cool info about Laura is that she is crafty/arty too  so Morris should make the transition into his new home easily……..yaaaaaaay.

pumpkins                                           pumpkins

And I just though I’d show you some new critters that showed up just in time for Halloween………..the Jack O’Pumkins they are listed in the shop but are very limited in supply and anyone who has pumpkins on display knows that their shelf life is not that long so snag ’em while you can.

Speaking of Halloween I decorated the house


I got the pumpkin buckets from Target and used them as planters………I love ’em!!!  it will be sad to take them away the boys aren’t so sure though

halloween I think it’s more proof for them that mama is crazy.  Happy Halloween…….I hope you decorated.