Archive for December, 2011

Step into Christmas….

Saturday, December 24th, 2011

EEEeeeeek it’s Christmas Eve!!!!  Wow I can’t believe it’s already Christmas Eve!!!

Although this might have been my first give away about the date

Mmmmmm Christmas pies and Celebration and lots of lovely choccies………I sure do love Christmas.

I finally got my pictures from Bazaar Bizarre loaded on the pooter,  it was such a fun weekend.  We discovered when looking at the google map,  that the route we could take to Cleveland passed incredibly close to Niagara Falls.  It was to good an opportunity to miss as I’ve always wanted to see it.

It was pretty impressive and I was very happy to be there but not as happy as Markie

Such a nice way to break up the drive.  And so beautiful,  there really should be more waterfalls to break up long drives.

Bazaar Bizarre was awesome as always.  It was so lovely to see so many familiar faces,  and new ones too.  Frances was thrilled to have  found a wonderful forever home in Cleveland

And I as always was in awe at the selection of fantastic vendors that Baz Biz had to offer.  I bought quite a few goodies and even persuaded Lilly’s chocolate to bring us some chomp monster bars (so yummy,  Christmas isn’t Christmas without them).

So now that all the orders are finished and mailed  ( I swear it felt as though I was at the post Office every day).  Many thanks to everyone who gave a critter a home for the holidays, I love thinking a critter is adding a little festive cheer in so many stocking this year. Bug now it’s time to get down to the serious matter of Christmas,  so many delicious goodies to overindulge in……….hmmmm where to start?


Happy Holidays everyone and a wonderful 2012



Monday, December 5th, 2011

Yup it’s that time of year again……..Almost Christmas,  almost the end of the crazy, fun Christmas Crafting,  almost time to stuff my face with mince pies and choccies.   The shows have been fantastic this year,  many thanks to everyone who gave a critter a new home in Massachusetts this year.  I managed to not take many piccies (how on earth did I manage that?) but here are 2 of my faves

This young gentleman gave toad a home at the Hingham Holiday Fair.

This weekend is my Last Winter Fair for the year, and it’s the Bazaar Bizarre in Cleveland Ohio.  So I’m busy restocking critters and making new goodies in anticipation for it.  I LOVE BazBiz so much as I get to catch up with my favourite crafters Amy (oblinaknit) and Michelle and it’s such a fun show with wonderful people in attendance that it really is the perfect way to start the Holiday Celebrations.

Speaking of Holiday Celebrations we got our Christmas tree this weekend.

For the first time since we’ve been living in America we did what I have always wanted to do,  that’s right we went to a Christmas tree farm and chopped down our own tree…….so fun and always entertaining watching everyone laugh at us putting a 6 and a half foot plus tree in our little mini cooper.

So I still haven’t decorated it yet…..but it looks absolutely stunning and smells gloriously Christmassy.

Right back to work for me.