Hamsters need costumes too……
What?  You don’t believe me?……..sure,  sure they are not going to comic con anytime soon (it’s not  really their thing) but hey a hamster has to be fancy dress party ready (oh my how hamsters love fancy dress parties……..just ask one and they will squeak excitedly for days)
Julie sent me a piccie of one of her party ready furry friends…….do you like his cupcake outfit?
Pretty cute huh? Â I mean you really can imagine picking him up and eating him he’s so sweet……..or is that just me?
So of course being this cute means that he needs a stabby homage……
No offense to the original hammy but I felt that his costume would have been a little more fun if he had a blob of cream as a hat so I made him a detachable one that he can tie on, should he choose to, Â his cupcake I hand sewed from felt.
I hope Julie likes her little furry cupcake as she is one of the vendors from strangefolk (which is how she found me to request this critter).
Speaking of Strangefolk I can’t believe the date is getting closer and closer
I am really excited for this show, Â almost as excited as I am to be leaving for Las Vegas on Saturday………wooohoooo I love Vegas!!!!!