The birds and the bees
No not that kind, this isn’t school afterall. I am of course talking about this kind………
The lil’ bee is a new pocket critter… I also made ladybirds or lady bugs as you Americans call them
So I will add these to the shop soon……..
The lil’ cardinal came about because of my obssession with making peepers (which are a bit Easterish) I want to make Jays and Robins and maybe crows as well, they are called tweeters and are for year round enjoyment yaaaaaaay
I had such a great time at Anthology this weekend doing my demo (thanks to everyone who stopped by) and I was hit by inspiration while I was there, hopefully I will have something to show you soon but it’s a surprise………..ok a hint then…..hmmmmm think farmer’s market, does that help?
April 8th, 2008 at 10:25 am
Are you going to make a needle felted capital?
I like the bugs and i love the cardinal!
April 8th, 2008 at 11:28 am
oooh that could be cool……..especially if it was to scale……I’d better put my wool order in now for white ; )