July, July, July……

how I love thee………for numerous reasons too,  not just because you are my birth month  (although that is a pretty awesome reason).  But also because so much cool schtuff happens during your wonderous 31 days.   For instance Art fair On and Off  the square in Madison was this past weekend and that is one of my very  favourite things in Madison (another is Maxwell Street days but that’s next weekend).  There is nothing better than perusing the work of over 650 artists whilst enjoying the street performers and location…….art fair on the square

Not the best piccie I grant you,  but in my defense it was bloomin’ roastin’ last weekend and so this was taken whilst enjoying some shade under a giant oak tree and I did take better pictures last year if you want to look at them.  I met up with my crafting  buddy Ekra who bought this cool painting by Keith Grace


It’s called Mad Cat and it’s body is made up of the Madison area map…. how cool is that?  it’s going to be a great reminder of Madison for her when she moves to Carbondale next month.   I on the other hand was thrilled to see Molly Bitters had a booth this year,  Molly was also a vendor  with me at last years Bucktown bizarre and I loved her jewelry then but I freaked out when I saw her new stuff,

molly bitters acorn necklace

I had to purchase this little acorn necklace instantly when I saw it,  but it was a tough call as I adored so many of her pieces………she also has an etsy store I highly recommend you peruse.   I was kinda surprised I bought jewelry  though as I seem to be buying it a lot of late…..but how could I not buy these earings from etsy seller SilverNutmegStudio?

earings north star earings

I love the north star ones and the flower hoops are just  the perfect touch of whimsy for me.

Art fair on the square looks great at night too

art fair on the square at night

And another reason for July greatness?  Well it’s when all the big movies come out………..can’t you feel the excitement in the air for Harry Potter and the Half Blood Prince or is that just round at my house?   Eeeep, Eeeeeep, Eeeeeeep…..I can’t wait till Tuesday,  I got midnight showing tickets about a month ago and I almost can’t breathe for the anticipation,  so much so  that to distract myself I made Ashley………

ashley the phoenix ashley the phoenix

probably not the best distraction granted,  but I sure had fun figuring  out the best way to make him…..I wonder if Fawkes would approve?

And another thing I love about July?  hmmmmm eating brats and drinking beer on the terrace in Madison

madison beer and brats

yumm,   can a picture look any more Madison if it tried?  well maybe there should be some deep fried cheese curds there too but other than that I think it’s perfect!  and  that and the sun and the flowers and the critters completes my little love fest with the month of July.

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