A Sneek Peek at my week…..
Thought I’d show you a little bit of what I’ve been up this past week, lots of pinning, sewing and painting and emergency trips to the fabric store……..got to be honest though it’s taking much longer than I expected as I had hoped to be all done by now, ah well the best laid plans of mice and men and all that……..squeek.
So that’s all your getting for now as I really want it to be all finished for next week, and I still have a load of bunting to sew.  Which is another exciting breaking news story this week………I think I may have finally figured out my sewing machine, so exciting!! but of course I don’t want to get ahead of myself as I really only sewed a straight line………but still, I’m very proud of myself as the line was (mostly) straight ahhhhhh progress.
I also (somehow) got some lil cutie cupcakes made
And added them to the shop.