It’s over……
Wow I can’t believe it’s already been and gone, Â The Craftacular that is……..and much fun was had by all.
Obligatory booth shot to follow
Because of my love of schmoozing I even got a mention on a blog check it out,  although I think the author is the only person I’ve ever encountered that thinks my prices are too inexpensive…….I generally use the rule of thumb of “what would I pay for it if I saw it at a craft fair”  and usually that seems to work out pretty well,  but what do you guys think?  time to increase my prices?  ahhhhh it’s a tough one,  but  I think I love the fact that kids are so into the critter boxes and generally spend their own pocket money on them too much to incorporate a huge price hike.
This week was also the annual visit to the vet
The boys are just so pathetic  as soon as they go through the door,  that it takes all my strength not to point and laugh at them although I had to snap a picture to share………they had absolutely no intention of coming out of their cases either…..poor babies
So now it’s a count down for Strangefolk……….eeeeeeeek
And then I can officially say my first year participating in Summer shows is done………..woohoo