So long Summer…….
Well no not really, Â thank god…….but I have started the Christmas craftin’ Â and while I don’t think it’s ever going to feel normal to make snowmen and santas when it’s close to a hundred degrees outside, Â it does make me start to look forward to fall and wonderin’ how Boston is going to be in winter……….brrrrrrr I expect.
A sneak pic of santas
I’m all done with my summer sowa market gig now too (apologies to anyone who went last weekend and expected to see us, Â I’m afraid the rain kept us away…….no one likes a soggy critter.)
So I also have a new critter to introduce to the menagerie…….
I love Harry,  he’s such a cutie and I’ll be listing him in the shop a little later today.  I dropped off a whole load of crittery goodies at Sarida last Sunday but of course I got talking to Tammy,  (the rather fabulous owner) and mesmerized by all the fabulous goodies inside and of course forgot to take any pics…… I’m stealing these pics from Sarida’s facebook page  (their pictures are so much better than anything I would have taken anyway ).
It’s such a pretty store I’m thrilled to have the critters be a part of it. And if you are in the area you should check it out,  you wont be disappointed.
So it’s been a busy couple of weeks with Christmas craftin’  and trying to stock stores (including my own) and trips to the vet Kirzstie with an overactive thyroid,  Floyd  with dental issues (2 teeth had to be removed……poorbaby,  he’s feeling a little sorry for himself today)  but I’m going to get back to it now…….stabby, stabby…….